Alternative private schools in Cape Town

Find a list of alternative private schools in Cape Town and take the time to understand what each school offers. Select an area above and browse the list below.

Abbotts College High School

Johannesburg; Pretoria / Tshwane; Cape Town

Private alternative high schools in various areas of South Africa
From 13 - 18 yrs old

Nowadays, many children don’t seem to cope well in mainstream schools and may just need a different approach to really be the best learners they can be. Many alternative private schools have been established to offer your child a learning experience that suits their specific needs. Forward thinking, innovative, emotionally supportive and non-traditional are some of the words used to describe these unconventional schools. For children that are ADHD, lateral thinkers, highly energetic, gifted or even kids that have learning difficulties and need remedial help, you’ll find a school that’s appropriate to you and your family in Cape Town here.

How to use this directory for alternative schools

All the schools have been listed so that you get an overview of what the schools offer. The brief description under the name of each school will explain a bit about what they offer. You may narrow your search down by clicking on the search by suburb link.

How do I know what approach is best for my child?

What’s common with all these alternative schools is that they all offer small classes, intimate learning environments and individualised attention. Some may only be for primary school level while others go all the way through to matric. Hands-on experience is often used to facilitate learning.

Various curricula are used and the schools are registered with the Department of Education to ensure they maintain appropriate standards of education. Some schools follow the government approved CAPS curriculum, some use the Impaq syllabus and then there is the Cambridge syllabus. You will also find a Finnish model of learning as well as schools with completely unconventional ways and means of teaching. All of these methods and approaches will still lead your child to a good education, with a schooling experience that is more conducive to his/her learning needs.

Best would be to set up an appointment and visit a school that peaks your interest and see what it’s all about. Be sure to ask if they are registered and are recognized by the Department of Education.

Begin your search

Spend some time browsing through the schools advertised on this page. You will find their contact details, website addresses and you can send them an email via their listing on our website too. Good luck!