Find a list of companies offering activities for kids and adults with disabilities. Browse the list below.
Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine therapies for physically and mentally challen...Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine therapies for physically ...
Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine therapies for p...Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine thera...
From 4 yrs - All ages
Horse riding lessons from ages 3 and up, stabling of horses, horses up for half baitHorse riding lessons from ages 3 and up, stabling of horses, horses up for half bait
Horse riding lessons from ages 3 and up, stabling of horses, horses up f...Horse riding lessons from ages 3 and up, stabling of horses, h...
From 4 yrs - All ages
Horses healing people - Children with disabilities; Youth at Risk; Life skills for Teens; Leadership d...Horses healing people - Children with disabilities; Youth at Risk; Life skills for...
Horses healing people - Children with disabilities; Youth at Risk; Life ...Horses healing people - Children with disabilities; Youth at R...
From 2 yrs - All ages
Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of young childr...Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, social, and emotional gr...
Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, social, and em...Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, soci...
From Birth - 11 yrs old
Heated indoors swimming school for babies from 6months, toddlers, learn to swim, stroke correction and...Heated indoors swimming school for babies from 6months, toddlers, learn to swim, s...
Heated indoors swimming school for babies from 6months, toddlers, learn ...Heated indoors swimming school for babies from 6months, toddle...
From 6 mnths - All ages
Horse Riding Lessons for kids and adults plus Equitherapy that helps with learning difficulties incl e...Horse Riding Lessons for kids and adults plus Equitherapy that helps with learning...
Horse Riding Lessons for kids and adults plus Equitherapy that helps wit...Horse Riding Lessons for kids and adults plus Equitherapy that...
From 3 yrs old
Find information & support for children and adults with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Support Gr...Find information & support for children and adults with Attention Deficit and Hype...
Find information & support for children and adults with Attention Defici...Find information & support for children and adults with Attent...
All ages
Visit Schools for special needs children with various disabilities and needsin Gauteng.