Find entertaining and fun theatre productions, stage shows and more in Gauteng.
Theatre shows, performing arts, live music showsTheatre shows, performing arts, live music shows
Theatre shows, performing arts, live music showsTheatre shows, performing arts, live music shows
From 2 yrs - All ages
Gauteng's leading family orientated theatre company, dedicated to introducing children to theatre from...Gauteng's leading family orientated theatre company, dedicated to introducing chil...
Gauteng's leading family orientated theatre company, dedicated to introd...Gauteng's leading family orientated theatre company, dedicated...
All ages
Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for families and kids birthday party venue.Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for families and kids b...
Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for families ...Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for...
Joburg's best day out, the expo returns this April with an exhilarating offering sure to please the wh...Joburg's best day out, the expo returns this April with an exhilarating offering s...
Joburg's best day out, the expo returns this April with an exhilarating ...Joburg's best day out, the expo returns this April with an exh...
All ages
Leading film distribution company in the South African marketLeading film distribution company in the South African market
Leading film distribution company in the South African marketLeading film distribution company in the South African market
Theatre complex, mandela theatre, fringe for small shows, comedy,, civic theatre, community ...Theatre complex, mandela theatre, fringe for small shows, comedy,, civic...
Theatre complex, mandela theatre, fringe for small shows, comedy, space....Theatre complex, mandela theatre, fringe for small shows, come...
From 3 yrs - All ages
The market theatre home to innovative locally produced theatre productions, art exhibitions, installat...The market theatre home to innovative locally produced theatre productions, art ex...
The market theatre home to innovative locally produced theatre productio...The market theatre home to innovative locally produced theatre...
World-class shows ranging from Opera, Ballet, Musical, Drama, Cabaret and Children's Theatre.World-class shows ranging from Opera, Ballet, Musical, Drama, Cabaret and Children...
World-class shows ranging from Opera, Ballet, Musical, Drama, Cabaret an...World-class shows ranging from Opera, Ballet, Musical, Drama, ...
All ages
Theatre productions for kids and adults Theatre productions for kids and adults
Theatre productions for kids and adults Theatre productions for kids and adults
All ages
Non-profit organisation promoting the French language and culture around the world. We have several co...Non-profit organisation promoting the French language and culture around the world...
Non-profit organisation promoting the French language and culture around...Non-profit organisation promoting the French language and cult...
From 3 yrs - All ages
South Africa's longest running video gaming, technology, esports, geek culture and digital entertainme...South Africa's longest running video gaming, technology, esports, geek culture and...
South Africa's longest running video gaming, technology, esports, geek c...South Africa's longest running video gaming, technology, espor...
All ages
Sibikwa is a Visionary Arts Centre that promotes quality arts education, theatre and performance train...Sibikwa is a Visionary Arts Centre that promotes quality arts education, theatre a...
Sibikwa is a Visionary Arts Centre that promotes quality arts education,...Sibikwa is a Visionary Arts Centre that promotes quality arts ...
From 6 - 18 yrs old
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